Real Estate Blog Ideas

A real estate blog is a great way to increase organic (or non-paid) search results. By writing a steady supply of content, and using keywords (find out more about choosing real estate keywords by reading our article here), you can rank higher and show up more in Google search results, which would help bring in new leads. But knowing and doing are two different things, so you might be wondering how to write a real estate blog — what kind of content to create, and what topics you should cover.

When you’re starting out a real estate blog, focusing on housing and real estate trends, local events, and home maintenance are a good place to begin. But ideally, experimenting with multiple topics will let you expand your creativity, as well as give you a breadth of analytics to assess and find out what ideas are performing the best. 

Blog Ideas for Local Communities 

Subscribing to news sites will help you stay up to date on local happenings in your community, which you can then write about. It will help you become a beacon in your community for events, and the events you promote will appreciate the press.

In addition to this, blog about events you’ve previously been to. Restaurants, grand openings, and any other local happenings. If you’re writing about a business, make sure to let them know so they can link back to your website. 

A list of luxury properties in your area. Shows that you are invested in your community and aware of all the options out there for any potential buyers.

Affordable properties. Just like luxury properties, finding more affordable options encourages you reaching a wider audience range. 

With the last two suggestions, write down what kind of property taxes people can expect if they buy there, schools that are nearby, and a bit about the neighborhood.

Job opportunities. Is there a new place in that area looking to hire? Write a blog about it or other opportunities that are nearby. 

Transportation. What type of transportation is normal around this area? Driving, train, walking or bus? If there’s multiple options be sure to list them down, or even how far away a place is from major highways or bus stops. 

Blog Ideas for Your Audience

Do you have a certain target audience? Maybe it’s an age group, price range, or location. For example, writing a blog that addresses the concerns of newlyweds, first time buyers, elderly, or new parents can help generate that audience to your site, and thereby your services.

FAQs – Are there certain questions you get asked frequently? Write a section where you answer them, for buyers or sellers (depending on your area of expertise). Leave a form where they can email you any additional questions they have. This will give you a great point of contact, and build trust and professionalism when you answer them back personally.

Professionals who have helped you (or other clients) out. Is there a mortgage specialist you had a great experience with? A home inspector? Interior designer? Write them a review or blog about your experience. They may also refer you back and help grow your network.

Compare the pros and cons of renting versus buying. How would you show your clients to tell whether it’s a good time to buy—or even sell?

Blog Ideas for You

While having a short bio is great, going into specifics can really let potential or returning clients get to know you. What do you love about your job? 

Write a blog about why they should work with you. What makes you a reliable agent in this competitive field? 

Testimonials. Any time a client leaves you a sparkling review, feature it on your website and talk about your experience with them as well.

Marketing. How do you highlight properties you’re in charge of? Spotlight Media Group is a great way to get people to your site and visiting your social media page. 

Expertise. Have you been in the real estate industry for years? Won any awards or are known for something special? Write it down and brag a bit. 

We hope this article has helped you find some ways on how to write a real estate blog! If there’s any more tips you’ve used, let us know!